Nicoleta Pfeffer-Barbela, MSc

Angebot: Medi­tation und Entspannungstraining.

Nur online.

Sprachen: Deutsch, Englisch.

Nicoleta is the inspiring founder of city­STILLE — Mindfulness and Medi­tation Center Vienna, a pioneer concept for well-being in the cities. With “STILLNESS (STILLE) in the city”, she aims to increase well-being in urban land­scapes known for busyness, complex working envi­ron­ments, outer and inner hustle and bustle! She strongly believes that a deep sense of pre­sence expe­ri­enced through secular medi­ta­tions of dif­ferent tra­di­tions like mindfulness or com­passion, are calming the mind, releasing body tension/pain and tou­ching hearts.

She teaches ReBA­LANCE Indi­vidual Pro­grams, Lea­dership Work­shops, Retreats and, is an inspiring speaker for large gatherings.

Nicoleta holds a BD in Eco­nomics and a Masters in Finance. Since 2014 she is a cer­tified medi­tation ins­tructor (PROGES Austria). Various courses like Mindfulness Based Stress Reduction Course (AT), Mindful Self-Com­passion Course (AT), Mindfulness Fun­da­mentals (UK), Life Purpose Coa­ching Diploma (UK, ongoing), many medi­tation retreats and self-practice allow her approach in indi­vidual or group set­tings to be know­led­geable, com­pas­sionate and also intuitive. You are welcome!

Ent­span­nungs- und Meditationseinheiten

Derzeit nur online

  • ReBA­LANCE Mindfulness Session, 30 Minutes (min. 5 Block)
  • ReBA­LANCE Mindfulness Session, 60 Minutes (min. 3 Block)
  • ReBA­LANCE Mindfulness Training, 4x 90 Minutes — Individual
  • ReBA­LANCE Mindfulness Training, 4x 90 Minutes — For Two